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Getting Started

Congrats! If you’re here, you’ve likely just received a new website using the new State of Hawaii Block template. If you’re just getting started, these are the five steps you can take immediately to quickly get your site up and running.

1) Configure Homepage

  • On the home page, you can drag and drop in any of the custom blocks to build out your page.
  • If you need some inspiration, here are a few examples of the endless ways you can use blocks to layout and configure any kind of content you wish to display
  • Or, if in doubt, start simple and pull in just the basics in this order (specific block names are below)
    • Large Call to Action
    • 3 Column Call to Action or 2 Column Call to Action
    • Home Page News Archive – add this if you’ll be regularly posting news and updates.
  • Once blocks are added to the page, add your text and images, then hit ‘Update’ to publish.

2) Configure Main Menu

Your menu is the list of the links that will display at the top of your site and makes it easy for your visitors to navigate to your site’s pages. This template allows options for both mega menus and traditional dropdown menus.


3) Configure Footer

In general, a footer is an area at the bottom of your site containing information and links. This template design includes two areas:

  • The site footer
    • The site footer provides specific information about your agency and is specific to your site. It includes a short blurb about your agency, contact information, and quick links to provide easy access to the most commonly visited website pages.
  • The state footer
    • The state footer provides required links and information for all State of Hawaii agency websites. These are not adjustable by you or your team.

Required Steps

4) Create Site Pages

Your website uses pages to display information – home, news, and contact are common examples of pages. Pages are static i.e., they are not associated with a date or time. They are permanent fixtures of your site for people to access at any time.

At minimum, your site should include pages for: Home, About, and Contact.


5) Publish Your First Post (Optional)

Posts are individual pieces of time-based information on a site. Think of them as articles or updates that you share to offer up new content to your readers on a regular basis. This can include press or media releases, highlights of work completed or even testimonials or success stories.

If you plan to publish this type of content, you’ll need to publish your first post. It may be as simple as a ‘welcome to our new website’ message that highlights any changes users might expect to see a result of the redesign.
