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Writing for the Web

Be concise. Keep sentences focused and succinct. Always consider your target & potential audiences while writing and editing content.

Writing Tips

  • Structure text for easy scanning.
  • Put the most important information at the top and less important information at the bottom.
  • Use subheadings to segment long paragraphs, enhance organization, and add visual breaks.
  • Use bullets or numbered lists.
  • Keep your paragraphs short—no more than 3-4 lines of text.
  • Do not use ‘click here’ as link text. Link text should describe where your reader will go if they click a link.
  • Do not use URLs alone as link text. Example: “For template layouts in the old theme, see:”
  • Avoid use of acronyms and jargon. If you must use acronyms, spell out the words the first time you use them on every page.
  • Write for and preview on small displays (smartphone).
  • Link and bold important pieces of information but be judicious – less is more.
  • Write and organize the site from the citizen’s point of view, keeping in mind what they need to find.


After you create the content for your website, make sure to carefully proofread it for accuracy and consistency before publishing it. Common areas to check include:

  • Capitalization (especially of main headings. Be consistent with either title case or sentence case).
  • Correct and consistent usage of Hawaiian characters (See Hawaiian language resources).
  • Variations in words (e.g. website vs. web site, or UK vs. U.S. spelling).
  • Treatment of bulleted lists (e.g. periods or commas at end of each item).
