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Template Overview

The State of Hawaii block template provides several new areas which you can adjust according to your needs, and provides a few new features that you should be aware of. Below is an overview of the various home page and website elements.

Home Page Layout | State Sliver Header | Site Header | Site Navigation | Site Footer | State Footer

Home Page Layout

The home page layout differs from the other pages and posts in the site in that it is a full width page designed to be used with the custom blocks to provide a variety of layout options for your website. Let’s take a look at each section of the website:

Screenshot of a homepage that was built using the block template

The home page layout sections are as follows:

  1. State sliver header
  2. Site header
  3. Site navigation
  4. Custom block – Large Call to Action
  5. Custom block – 2 Column Call to Action
  6. Custom block – 3 Column Call to Action
  7. Custom block – Small Dark Call to Action
  8. Custom block – Callout Text Section
  9. Custom block – Icon Box Section
  10. Custom block – Home Page News Archive
  11. Site footer
  12. State footer

Sections 1-3, 11 and 12 are site-wide global elements that will appear on all pages of the website.

Sections 4-10 are part of the main page content and are custom-built blocks which you can arrange and add to the home page depending on the type of content you require. Learn more about the custom blocks.

Let’s take a closer look at the global site elements that will appear on each page:

State Sliver Header

This sliver header has elements that are common across all of the State of Hawaii block template websites including some which are specific for the state, and some that can be adjusted as needed for your specific agency’s needs.

Screenshot of sliver header
  • A. State of Hawaii official website text and link to
  • B. Statewide alert toggle button (only shows up when there is a statewide alert activated)
  • C. Search bar
  • D. Language selector (optional item – can be turned on and adjusted in theme options)
  • E. Site alert toggle button (optional item – can be turned on and adjusted in theme options)

The site header provides a global brand identity for your website, allowing you to add in your specific agency logo, tagline, agency name, and even your agency name in the Hawaiian language.

Screenshot of site header
  • A. Site logo (shows the State of Hawaii seal by default if no site logo is configured in the customizer)
  • B. Site tagline (set this up in the customizer)
  • C. Site title (the name of the state agency)
  • D. Hawaiian name (set this up in the customizer)
  • E. State seal watermark

The site navigation provides easy way-finding to your website’s content for your visitors.

Screenshot of site menu
  • A. Selected / active navigation item
  • B. Non-selected navigation items

The top footer provides specific information about your agency. This includes a short blurb about your agency, contact information, and quick links to provide easy access to the most commonly visited website pages.

Screenshot of site footer
  • A. About section (adjust in the customizer)
  • B. Contact section (adjust in the customizer)
  • C. Quick links (adjust in the menu dashboard)

The state footer provides required links and information for all State of Hawaii agency websites. These are not adjustable by you or your team.

Screenshot of state footer
  • A. State of Hawaii seal, links, and official website text
  • B. State of Hawaii required links and copyright notice

Next Steps

  1. Learn how to adjust the content within the global areas of your site using the theme options and customizer admin areas.
  2. Or, to adjust content across the pages and posts of your website you can learn about using blocks.
  3. Finally, learn how to use the custom blocks that were built specifically for use with this template.